Wednesday, May 28, 2008

excellent suggestions

I strongly support the comments sent in by Mike and Todd. Excellent thoughts by two guys who have obviously considered these issues for a long time. My own less-informed take on some matters raised:


This is not a big issue for me. I would prefer that we not adopt a uniform that's hard to replace or expensive. It's probably easier just to go with the standard red and white knowing that we'll always have a supply available.

Organizational Structure.

I really liked Mike's suggestions. The only problem is that the Patrol Director so far has been working 7 days a week. That position will have to be obviously someone local to the hill and retired. I don't know how Audie has done it, but it would be way more then I could ever see undertaking. Its really going to have to be a management call. On the other positions, I'd recommend that the terms be staggered so there's an overlap of seniority. Mike: Did you intend there to be an automatic move up the chain? In other words the team leader automatically takes over the APD position after his term is up?

New Patrol Room

One of the problems with the snowmobile situation is the patrol room location and size of the hill. When we were at the civic centre, you could take the toboggan right to the patrol room half the time and a snowmobile wasn't usually needed! If we do get moved and can get back to the centre of the hill, this may reduce some of the stress on the snowmobile issue. Conversely, if we're back out in no man's land again having two reliable snowmobiles is a key problem. Same thing with the radio problems. Location of the patrol room impacts so many issues.

I also second the suggestion that we look to Otsego for an awfully nice patrol room. I'd kill for a locker set up like they have in their basement.

Finally, I echo the comments about how the grass really isn't greener over on the other pasture. Many other patrols are holding fund raisers just to buy bandages. We should count our blessings.

Otherwise I support Mike and Todd's comments and suggestions fully.


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